APRIL 6, 2021


hat moment when an artist finds their voice and starts sharing it with the world is the stuff of dreams. Rock n roll dreams anyway. Blues rock artist CASE HENSLEY's own rock n roll dreams were about to become a reality with the release of her first studio album GOOD AS GONE on March 13, 2020. Armed with first rate blues rock gems penned by HENSLEY and guitarist and collaborator LAURA CHAVEZ, GOOD AS GONE should've brought the whole blues rock world into a frenzy. Unfortunately, GOOD AS GONE's release coincided with the date that the country and the rest of the world officially shut down due to the Coronavirus. There was not a whole lot to celebrate in the year 2020 but GOOD AS GONE was one hell of a ride with its hard rocking first single IF I PRAY, its uplifting title track and the absolutely smoking BREAKING YOUR HEART. I get the feeling that an electrifying live show could've taken this album and the artist to some exciting places but 13 months in the pandemic, society is starting to see glimmers of hope with the roll out of vaccines. Perhaps live shows will be coming back into the picture and HENSLEY can seize the rock n roll moment and glory that she so richly deserves.

ROCKWIRED had a chance to catch up with CASEY HENSLEY a few weeks back. Here is how the interview went.

You managed to roll out your album GOOD AS GONE during a pandemic and get some rather fine notices for your work. Now that the album has been out there for a while, how do you feel about the finished work?
I love it! This album is like my baby. I spent over a year putting it together and it's been out for a little bit now. It's my first album of all original material which feels great and I feel like it is a great representation of my as an artist. It's made up of all of the genres that inspire me as an artist from blues to hard rock and more singer songwriter-y type stuff. I am really happy with this album.

Who all did you work with in putting the album together?

I recorded the album mostly at HOMEGROWN STUDIOS which is JASON MRAZ's home studio. The studio was amazing and JASON was just an amazing guy. We did all of the sessions there and then we re-recorded my vocals at another studio with my producer ANDREW LANE. He just knows how to get the best performance out of me vocally and with this album I was happy to be teamed up with guitarist LAURA CHAVEZ who is just so good and is getting tons of recognition for her work as a guitarist.


LAURA CHAVEZ sounds like your KEITH RICHARDS. How did the two of you become acquainted?

She and I go back seven years. She plays guitar in bands with various different artists. She also did background vocals for the late-CANDI KANE and that was how I got to know her through that band. From there our friendship just evolved naturally and we started to come together to make some really hard rocking music.

Was blues music always a fascination for you? How did that kind of music come into your life?

When I was growing up, blues music was always being played in my house. My parents were huge blues music fans so the music kind of rubbed off on me from a very early age. When I was a toddler, my parents took me to go shopping with them in this store and I just started singing at the the top of my lungs and people really paid attention, so I figured out early on that music was my thing. I was five years old the first time I ever sang on a stage and I was 8 years old the first time I ever set foot in a recording studio. When I was in high school I started my own rock band and that carried me through school until the time I graduated. When I was out on my own I decided to pursue blues music.

How do you feel this album is different from your previous output?

When I was younger my music making as all about singles. I was more of a studio artist back then and less of a performer. I gained some performing chops when I formed my first rock band in high school but when I started doing blues music I realized that I had to become more of a performer. My first album as a blues artist was a live recording that had me performing a lot of covers from artists like JOHNNY GUITAR WATSONS and KOKO TAYLOR. That album came out in 2017 and it received all kinds of nominations. While I'm proud of that album, this current album, AS GOOD AS GONE, is special to me because Every song on it is an original. Every song on it is mine. I really enjoy the diversity that is on this record. It's really all over the place.

What inspired this set of of songs?

The writing for AS GOOD AS GONE was inspired by things like heartbreak and being an angry girl. The music feels a lot harder than before. I came up with the lyrics for all of the songs and then I would present them to guitarist LAURA CHAVEZ and she would help me turn the lyrics into full fledged songs. LAURA has been invaluable throughout this process. She and I became a team on this album and the chemistry between us is great.

What songs off of the album stand out for you the most from this album and why?

IF I PRAY is the first single off of the album. It's a hard rocking song and of all of the songs on this album, I feel like it has what it takes to crossover to the mainstream. GOOD AS GONE, the title track, is a really empowering song and BREAK YOUR HEART is a song that I wrote while getting ready for a gig. It was a song that just came to me.

You picked an interesting time to release this album?

It was the worst. It was the worst possible timing. The album was in the can and I was looking forward to start pushing the record with a series of shows and a tour and on the day the album was released on March 13, 2021, the pandemic went into high gear and everything starting closing and tour dates started to get canceled. Ever since then, I've just had to roll with the punches and do my best to promote this album. A lot of shows had to be canceled and rescheduled and right now there is just a lot of waiting around. I'm so addicted to being on stage and this pandemic has been terrible. Being on stage is my first love and hopefully things will turn around this year to where it'll be safe enough to go out and do shows.

What is the big idea behind this album? What would you like for a listener to come away thinking and feeling?

I would like people to listen to the album and come away with their own interpretation of the music – whatever that may be. I'd love for the music to be different for everyone.

FOR MORE iNFORMATiON GO TO: Lush is a music industry professional and entrepreneur. In 2005 he launched the online music site to help promote new music artists in conjunction with the weekly radio show Rockwired Live which aired on KTSTFM.COM from 2005 - 2009. In 2010 He launched the daily podcast series Rockwired Radio Profiles which features exclusive interviews and music. He has also developed and produced the online radio shows Jazzed and Blue - Profiles in Blues and Jazz, Aboriginal Sounds - A Celebration of American Indian and First Nations Music, The Rockwired Rock N Roll Mixtape Show and The Rockwired Artist of the Month Showcase. In 2012, Brian Lush and his company Rockwired Media LLC launched the monthly digital online publication Rockwired Magazine. The magazine attracts over 75,000 readers a month and shows no signs of stopping. Rockwired Magazine also bares the distinction of being the first American Indian-owned rock magazine. Brian Lush is an enrolled member of the Yankton Sioux Tribe. Brian Lush's background in music journalism, radio and podcast hosting, podcast production, web design, publicity, advertising sales, social media and online marketing, strategic editorial planning and branding have all made Rockwired a name that is trusted and respected throughout the independent music industry.

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